Tom Henske

Tom Henske has been a leader in the financial industry for nearly three decades. Tom started his career in financial planning in 1994, with Cowan Financial Group. Shortly thereafter, he started his own company, Henske Advisors. In 2003, they were acquired by National Financial Partners (merging them into Lenox Advisors) which went public shortly thereafter. Tom remained an equity partner until 2020 when he retired to focus solely on matters of life insurance and building Total Cents.

While the seven financial professional designations after his name demonstrate his qualifications, it is his 11 years of coaching high school varsity soccer and the parenting of his two teenage children that have made him a real expert. A 2x All-American and 3x NCAA Division I Soccer Champion at the University of Virginia, Tom has again found victory in his mission to provide a better way for parents to develop a generation of money-smart kids. He invites you to join him on the journey.

Tom Henske CFP®, ChFC, CLU, CTS, CFS, CLTC, CES.